First Course Finished!
On Friday the Permaculture Design Course Finished. It was amazing. There is much more to learn, but now I have the basic tools and ideas to investigate further. In the end it was sad to see some of my classmates depart. We made sure to exchange contact information.
Since the course is over, I have been learning farm hand skills for my 2.5 week internship. The chores include weeding, planting, watering, harvest and animal care. The animals are quite entertaining. The pigs, Polly and Pudge, have a daily menu of food that needs to be prepared (oats/ rice with fruit and greens). Each time I walk near their pen, they snort eagerly for more. The ducks are very shy. I have to give them their food and then leave for about five minutes, or else they won't go near it. I also have been getting used to collecting eggs from the chickens. It was awkward at first, each time has been easier since they seem to be getting used to me.

The last 4 days of the design course were spent on group projects. We were given an difficult piece of land (an abandon cow paddock down the road) and expected to develop a design plan for it. Friday night was a farewell Balinese banquet. Certificates and speeches were given around a campfire, naturally instruments appeared to continue celebrating into the night. I'm not sure what time I went to bed.
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