Lithgow, Blue Mountains
Two buses, one taxi, two trains and one short car ride later, I arrived in Lithgow, the Blue Mountains. When I stepped off the train at the Sydney central station, I definitely knew I wasn't in the country-side anymore. There were many people in a constant flow, moving from one train to another. The train ride from Sydney to Lithgow was beautiful. Lithgow is an old coal mining town surrounded by ancient eucalyptus forests and sandstone cliffs. The weather is much different here. I moved from the sub-tropical to cool temperate rainforests in a day. The climate here reminds me of home.
My hosts are leaving for Tibet in two weeks so we took their chickens to a neigbor in another town. Their property had amazing views! After that I went for a couple of "bush walks". All to be topped off by a tea service with scones and blackberry jam in the valley.

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