New Blog
I've moved!! Check out my new blog documenting my stay in Taipei, Taiwan at:
This blog is part of the documentation for my senior project. I will be taking 2 permaculture certification courses and completing an internship. The first course will introduce me to permaculture theories and principles. The 2nd course will examine specific permaculture practices. If all goes to plan (internet availability), I will post regular blog updates and photographs to better illustrate my experiences. If you have any questions/ comments please email me at
I've moved!! Check out my new blog documenting my stay in Taipei, Taiwan at:
From LAX airport:
I purchased my train tickets yesterday. I leave tomorrow morning for Brisbane and will take the plane back home on Tuesday Morning. I'll be flying with the time zone changes, so this part of the trip will be much shorter than before. It's hard to believe my trip is pretty much over. Now that I've realized that fact, I sort of already feel like I'm back home. Time to pack one last time. See you soon!
So, I forgot to bring my camera cord for transfering pictures. I'll post a whole lot in a week at the most. I will expand on everything further when I get back, but concisely "today I":